Military Aviation Heritage Re-enactment

MAHE Re-enactment is our Living History group, introduced to allow like minded people to take part in an active living heritage experience

Although our focus is on aviation military heritage and 1940s WW2 Europe, people with a different post WW1military Living History focus are also very welcome to attend gatherings and events – community, socializing and camaraderie is what re-enactment is really all about

Please note that MAHE Re-enactment in addition to re-enactors will also require background support from those with skills in a variety of tasks including construction, design and event planning to name only a few – it is a opportunity to join a group with a diverse set of needs to create an overall Living History experience for both visitors and an environment for Members to enjoy and embrace, including our own Member’s social group activities and the facilities we can enjoy at The Hill

It is not necessary to have any experience with re-enacting or to have any uniforms or period civilian wear – MAHE, can assist however, in obtaining both male and female 1940s dress, equipment etc as necessary

If interested, please get in touch or come along and see us at The Hill

All of the above photos are an example of Living History groups participating in re-enactment of servicemen and women from WWII.

Interested in becoming a member? Contact us.